Tekst naszego znajomego, oficjalnie zapożyczony z jego bloga dontgomestarted.com. “ Didn't know what time it was and the lights were low. I leaned back on my radio. Some cat was layin' down some rock 'n' roll… “ David Bowie: ‘Starman’ 1972. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_-RO9bkZv0 I’m fifteen years old. And I’m passing my penultimate summer holiday before leaving home waiting tables at The Tartan Cafe in ‘Bonnie Wee Troon’ . I’m spending my wages on String Driven Thing and Jethro Tull and Rory Gallagher. And on Exile on Main St. I’m underage drinking with Archie and Muscles and Paul and Nigel at the Craiglea Hotel and The Temple Bar. And I’m dancing my Saturday nights away at the Loans Disco. Watergate is on the news. Nixon will soon be gone. And Alice Cooper is